
Pensionfund.co.za provides information of a general nature relating to the various products and services available to individuals to cater for the retirement as well as the different fund administrators in South Africa along with the funds they administrate.

We advise that you consult a reputable retirement and/or financial services provider in order to determine the best retirement funds to adequately cater for your needs at retirement.

Pensionfund.co.za does not advocate making financial decisions based solely on the content contained in the website pensionfund.co.za shall not be responsible and disclaims all liability for any loss, liability, damage (whether directly or consequential) or expense of any nature whatsoever which may be suffered as a result of or which may be attributable, directly or indirectly, to the use or of reliance upon any information, links or service provided through this website.

Use the information provided to get a general idea of the functioning of the products and services that are designed specifically to cater for retirement, consult a professional financial advisor and construct your portfolio accordingly.

Pensionfund.co.za provides a free information service to the public who are able to interact directly with one another using the comment system provided. Administrators of the system recommend that you do not make important information like identity numbers available to the public but respect your right to do so.

Pensionfund.co.za does not sell the information provided to any third parties but may send an email to you from time to time to inform you of updates to your inquiry or to inform you of new information on the website.

Pensionfund.co.za will only pass on your contact information to a qualified financial services provider or certified financial planner if you expressly select to be contacted by a financial advisor.