As a pensioner you are very likely to be driving a whole lot less than when you were working and in order to reduce your overhead for retirement savings, the very first thing to look at is your car insurance. Hollard have a very good insurance option that is ideal for peniosners in that the premiums are calculated based on the number of kilometers that you drive.

This makes a lot of sense, the less you drive and the less time you are on the road the less likely it is for you to be involved in an accident or have your car stolen. These factors, combined with your many years of driving experience will ensure that your insurance premiums on your car are significantly reduced. You can also use to get 9 comparative insurance quotes and will in all liklihood save you money.

Let us imagine you are able to save 15% as an average on your insurance premiums by spending 10 seconds to fill in the form and answer a few questions. Thats a fantastic return in my books.

We all need to take advantage of the benefits of retirement and there many ways to do this but firstly and most importantly, take a good look at your fixed monthly expenses and you will see that your car insurance premiums appear to be very high when you consider the amount of driving you are currently doing.

This of course does not only apply to retired people but to anyone who does little mileage and includes those working from home or those who live close to work and are not a high risk insurance customer. Hollard pay as you drive offers people in general an opportunity to reduce their car insurance premiums if they do not do a lot of driving.

By using Hollard pay as you drive to reduce your insurance premiums you could be saving as much as 30% on your car insurance premiums which, when you apply the same rules to the other areas of your financial life, add up to a significant amount of money.

Why waste the money paying for things you no longer need as a retired person? It costs nothing to get a quote from Hollard and could be the best investment you make all year. Immediately you are getting a return and even if you are only saving 10% on you insurance premium, that is a better return than your money in the bank. Saving money can generate the highest return on investment of any activity you do all year.