unclaimed money

Updated November 2020

Link to FAIS database has been updated.

Many of South Africa’s pension fund Administrators hold large sums of money (In excess of R20 Billion) in preservation funds from members who have not claimed their benefits and according to the act these unclaimed benefits mustl be distributed to the member or his beneficiaries.

Each fund administrator has a different process to determine who has any unclaimed benefits and it is very wise to check with the fund administrators if there are any funds owing to you as an employee or as a beneficiary. If you have a spouse/parent/relative who left the country or died, there may be funds owing to him/her or the beneficiaries and it is well worth checking.

Please ensure that you follow the steps below to determine the fund administrators of your fund before going any further and be careful who you give your personal details to.

It is extremely important that you follow the correct procedure and compile the correct documents (see green text below) to facilitate the process.

The process to follow.

  1. Check which fund administrators are responsible for the administration of your fund by searching for the fund name in the search box provided in the blue strip above.
  2. Once you have determined who the fund administrators are, use one of the following links to make a claim for unclaimed benefits.
  3. If your fund administrators link does not appear below you will need to contact them directly. This means that we have not been able to find a website that allows members to request unclaimed benefit information.

if your are a fund administrator or have any additional links/forms to provide please contact Pensionfund.co.za directly through the contact form provided.

If you think you may be a beneficiary under a policy you should contact your life assurance company with as much detail as possible. Useful information would include the policy contract document, the identity document of the claimant, bank details of the claimant, a death certificate (in the event of the death of a life assured)

We are assembling a comprehensive list of contacts for unclaimed benefit applications and will be updating this post as soon as we have additional links to offer.

UnclaimedBenefits.co.za – Data Factory

FAIS – About the unclaimed benefits database

FSB (Now the FAIS) unclaimed benefit search (This is a general search which will return all results for a specific fund or surname to page through)

Alexander Forbes Unclaimed Benefits application form

Metal and Engineering Industries Retirement Funds

Mineworkers Provident fund lists of names who have unclaimed benefits (broken into 4 lists alphabetically)

Motor Industry Fund Administrators Unclaimed benefit forms

NBC Holdings Fund Administrators unclaimed benefits contact

Old Mutual Unclaimed benefits preservation fund request form

Sanlam Staff and beneficiary list who are eligible for unclaimed benefits (Sanlam staff only noy funds administered)